About Lisa

My Story

I have lived an active life as mother, healer, wife, and friend. I have had over forty years’ experience in the healing arts, working with hundreds of clients in many modalities. I have journeyed through marriage and divorce, and am married yet again. I have raised three beautiful children, witnessed their lives unfold as they have grown, married and born children. I have experienced my share of health and personal life challenges. I have suffered and rejoiced, struggled and succeeded. 

I have known a wide range of life experiences, fallen and risen many times, and have found myself ever surrendering into greater and greater capacities of love toward my fellowman. This life has honed me well to relate generously with compassion and deep understanding for those of all walks of life.

It is more challenging to introduce myself to you as a reader of the Akashic Records. It is difficult to explain what might seem unexplainable. My gifts emerged amidst the routines and revelations of living this life, a surprise at first, then an undeniable calling. Beginning in my twenties, the purity, accuracy, and level of information that I have been given access to has been a rare gift, for which I am exceedingly grateful. 

These spiritual skills have only gained in strength, accuracy, and clarity with the passing of time. My knowing, tried and proven throughout the years, has offered comfort and understanding to many. 

My life’s mission is to utilize this gift toward deeply assisting each individual with whom I work to know and understand themselves on the absolutely most profound level possible. It is a magnificent journey, and I am utterly grateful to be a partner on it with my clients, traveling this brilliant road of discovery.

Many blessings,