Akashic Records
Akashic Record Reading Explained
You are unique and have your own vibrational key. You are special. Like your thumb print that is only yours, you also have a thread that is only yours. This thumb print or thread is connected to your many lives or book. When accessing this information we are able to see what has been pulled through to this current time. Often our family members, relationships are re played out again in this lifetime. We form contracts prior with certain individuals to complete, clear things up or just continue. Our purpose can be explained. I find that people have many purposes.

Akashic Record Readings with me
My Akashic Record Readings are about an hour and half in length, but best to give yourself at least two hours free in your day. Please do not be surprised as we take a deep dive into you, a lot has gone into the making of yourself. I want to assure you we do not need to be in person for me to read for you. I do ask you to bring questions to your session. I usually am given information about you as I open your records, but I also want to answer what you want to know about. After your reading you may feel you need more, If that is the case you can book again. I do find people book again in 6 months to a year post. I do offer coaching which is Clairvoyant based and typical hour long sessions.
What Akashic Records are Not
While the Akashic Records do hold the past, present and future, the future is not always given. Our futures are based on our free will and decisions that we make. Thus, it is important that we resolve issues from our past that are effecting us today. There are many reason of why our life is or has been the way that it is. That is the important information in the records, because we are allowed to make changes from that point of realization. There is great power in knowing.
Think this way that if we knew what our future had held, would we have bought a ticket to the ride. Most often the answer is no. We want a different path than the one we have had. That is not our purpose here on this planet. We are here to evolve and grow ourselves to be better at it.